
Time flies...

I'm honestly not sure where the last few weeks have gone. Things have been busy, but not so much so that I can offer an excuse as to why I'm neglecting this blog.

Part of it might be that I'm struggling with how much of my personal life to share. I don't plan on sharing much of what goes on in the store, mainly because that would intrude on the privacy of my co-workers, customers, and bosses. I also intend to avoid sharing much about my family and friends, but because this is still a personal site, something of a personal nature has to be posted.

There is a fine line between paranoia and caution, and I'm having trouble walking it.

I'm also trying to avoid serious politics here - there are bloggers with much more political acumen than I, and the analysis is better left to them. However, wine is as much a political issue as it is a social and business one. Some politics are inevitable, and for me to avoid the topic entirely would be unthinkable. Just the American drinking age alone is enough material for its own blog, so is the current fight in France over the anti-drink lobby.

I could go on for paragraphs, explaining my decisions to post or not post certain articles, but I'll leave it there for the moment, and offer up a forum for discussion. How much is too much? At what point does a blog lose focus and become a loose amalgamate of opinion best suited to armchair philosophy? My previous blog became defunct because of a loss of interest in the subject, and because although it was a blog about the ability we have as people to change, I rarely wrote on that topic, instead preferring to bounce from one subject to another.

1 comment:

Leigh said...

With a personal blog, you set the limits, as suits your mood. I have also been down the "serious issue" blog road - it just took too much time and energy. Someone else is always first, and so many people just don't know the difference between personal attack and intellectual disagreement. Who needs it? That's why I switched to a wine blog - it's just for me. I'm no expert, but I can participate in on-line events as I choose and learn a lot from other bloggers. Like you. :-)